ffffff's Recent Forum Activity

  • Are you setting the width of each letter? You have to do that in Events. Here, see my example:


    Thank you,this is best way for now.

  • Blacksmith

    Thank you,but I can't run it on win7 64bit

    It keeps crashing.

    don't know why.

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  • Sorry for my English.

    Most of sprite font tool I can found from internet export files like this

    <img src="https://cc6oaa.bay.livefilestore.com/y2pOeaJWFPMd6YAN6ymKIzkHpO9XlkQX16WiXfnQ6qYGsN5etcpLJ3r88bVkO2ImjEmh-0_9VUIICSpGg-qkQTaHag836njivtjvCdrr-Nf2kA/SF01.png" border="0" />

    In construct

    <img src="https://byfiles.storage.live.com/y2pzLplEaIJWNsvyD30pgtncfiWaXLwdXpCbCIXIWW1wzkdvFqRmMzU1U0fuI88SuC3Vbuw79x0qtEp7smv9LWEHwnV4_rTT7uxSDLWo3wpSE8/Clipboard_20130731%20%282%29.jpg" border="0" />

    then I make a sprite in photoshop

    <img src="https://cc7ziw.bay.livefilestore.com/y2pOIUwDpB3tI8q1JrXWR0te4lr95R2r7auBNIOR1g3gaib0sO7FBzxNZGMTHNsx7OZleKoFk1dBSC5_vgxvon3SnpBYRG3sYMBPFwzJh6qJco/SF02.png" border="0" />

    In construct

    <img src="https://byfiles.storage.live.com/y2p7d9srV1Vot3JPWyE0wNp2LvJsxUgDNAj8M9Q9KDVVpXiFlHY9W7MAsKx5jjnWh5_g1yegCNPPShaXp0uDKAS3wawRkkW2g9c_c0pH-1Adt8/Clipboard_20130731.jpg" border="0" />

    Yes, it's looks better , but can you see the spaces in the words?

    They are not real spaces.

  • can't run


  • How are you currently making the eyes follow the cursor?

    Thank you for reply

    every tick eye set angle toward(Mouse.X,Mouse.Y)

  • Hi forum,I am trying to make a web page with construct 2,on a whim.

    Look this please zffffff.svfree.net/web

    Mainly the eyes

    I think they are should always look at the cursor,but it only worked on the top.

    If you scroll down the page,they will look down forever,and never track the cursor.

    (eyes on a layer named UI and I set the parallex to 0,0)

    Another littel thing is

    scroll only worked on max window size some time.if you resize the window to smaller ,

    scroll will not work anymore.and then you set the window to max size again,it will work again.But this not happen every time,I only met once.

    (Now I can make it to reproduce,if camra on the top of layout(when back ground color is white) it will not scroll.else normal)


    A new question.

    When you resize the window,a normal page won't change their content size.

    but this page which I made , is a game essentially.it can narrowing to 0.

    is there any way to simulate a real page?

  • would you please upload it again?

  • chrisbrobs@

    Can you upload your capx again please?

    I am trying study to make a slot machin game .

    but, there is no concept of how to get started.

    Thank you

  • The link is 404 page

ffffff's avatar


Member since 19 Apr, 2013

None one is following ffffff yet!

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