My version of 15 Puzzle
Obrigado! espero que tenha gostado, se possível avalie no Google Play! :)
PS: Já fica aqui o convite para baixar e jogar os outros jogos!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Hey, I uploaded a new version of my Peg Solitaire game, 100% free and no ads for Android ...
Haha I see where you coming from :)
Nice games! Do you do the art and programming all by yourself?
I design and program, but I'm not a designer and I waste a lot of time doing it!
Hey, I am interested in testing games.
Mail me .. and i will add your e-mail address in Testers List
the project has 4 layout (Load, Main/Menu, Tutorial and Game)
the "game" layout has 3 layers (Background, Board/Pieces and UI)
my version of the sudoku
hello everybody, i upload a new version of the classic board game sudoku, in my version i replace the numbers for food images making the game more fun and hardest.
I will be very happy if you could play and review it
I have this problem too.
the project has this problem when the google play plugin is active, in my case!
Member since 5 Jan, 2018