To keep moving him, I must press and release the button every time.
What's for "Record" and "Stop Recording"?
(Sorry if any bad english)
I liked the concept. Really fun. I just think you should make everything be controlled by mouse.
I can't see the concept, but the graphics is beatiful and the AI cars' behavior is very organic. Loved that.
The concept looks interesting... Already tested with someone? Red seems too fast for green.
Try to change so you can access all the platforms. On the actual state, there's no way. Maybe changing the position of some of them and giving the behavior Jump Through. Also, on one of the platforms, there's a little bump that (when you touch it) you can't keep walking forward: you have to jump. The button "Next" is a new level or a continuation of the first?
Cool. I liked the assets. If you are making them yourself, try to focus on mechanics and make the assets later.
Looks like a good concept. I noticed some bugs: I can't move using mouse (just aiming) and (apparently) the aiming get buggy pretty fast and the finger don't aims on the mouses direction and spinning the mouse around it don't seems to help either.
(srry for any bad english)
Gostei das partículas.
Vou colocar os bugs aqui caso você não tenha notado um deles:
-Na partida do carro, a fumaça sempre sai para a direita
-Ré tem uma aceleração absurda (não sei se é intencional)
Te desejo um PC melhor e mais do que isso, tudo de bom.
Nice. The game looks like that will offer way more later. Just a couple questions:
1. Player building doors over walls: bug or feature?
2. When selecting something on menu, must first deselect it to after close the menu: bug or feature?
(srry if any bad english)
Apenas algumas coisas que eu notei caso você ainda queira trabalhar no jogo (joguei no PC)
-O jogo começa com score vazio, não há score zero
-Onde clicar para começar não é óbvio (as vezes tentava clicar em cima do botão para recomeçar quando perdia e começava)
-Na tela de vitória, existe uma seção do botão que se você clicar, o jogo carrega apenas os obstáculos: sem fundo, sem jogador, sem chão. Apenas obstáculos.
Você pretende continuar a trabalhar nele?
Are you planning make it as a game or just a simulation? Just asking.
A beautiful game that starts peaceful, gets a little swarmy on the middle and ends beatiful! <3
Nice concept. I can't just go heads on. You have to stop and think a bit. And it exercises remembering color combinations. Kind of educative.
Member since 20 Dec, 2017