savvito123's Recent Forum Activity

  • So, how we get friends "connected players" after Facebook has deprecate the global leaderboard?

    If i create my own leaderboard can i get my Facebook friends from that leaderboard?

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  • Hello everyone,

    Last days I finally manage to work with instant games leaderboard and I receive an email that global leaderboards going to depracated and i really don't have the time for reading tutorials.

    So now I'm looking somebody to create me a leaderboard with the option to retreive the Facebook friends and global, just like instant game leaderboards but outside Facebook.

    Retreive fb pictures is nessesary.

    Also it's important to not use playfab or any other things like playfab because this style of leaderboards need a lot of money if lot of players playing your game.


  • But in any case, Global Leaderboards for Instant Games will be deprecated and removed soon. So don't start

    Hello, thanks again for the reply ,

    After global leaderboards deprecated its mean that we can not get connected friends scores or challange them?

    I understand that i can create an external leaderboard but this is going to show all the score even if some users are not my friends in facebook.

    Is there anything i can send to the leaderboard so i can check and retreive my friends?

  • Add a screenshot to see your project, because as dop2000 say you only need to add "filename.jpg"

  • Hi,

    Trying to make a friend list (or a whatever list include pictures).

    With an empty sprite with 10 frames want to load more than 10 pictures when scrolling .

    With my example it seems the frame of each sprite change continuously while is on screen and its not look good.Is there a better way to do this?

  • Thank you for that help savvito123 !! I knew something wonky was going on there with the pathfinding obstacles - the thing is, I don't want the blue/player units to avoid the red/ai towers (I should stop switching back and forth between that terminology in my events too.. unnecessarily confusing.) - the units are supposed to attack the opposing towers, and avoid their own towers.

    It seems they can attack the towers even if they are in pathfinder to avoid them.

    I did not found any other way to avoid only their own towers.

    -Dumb question possibly, but does reducing the rate of the effect or manipulating its opacity/etc, reduce its CPU usage or is it just a flat usage rate once enabled?

    Its only when the effect is run, but it seems that the game crash when the effect is running and click some times.

    Btw nice game.

  • Hello ,

    It seems this fix your issue

    I dont know why but the last 4 hours i was searching for the problem using the disable method (remove events until the issue gone) i thing this was the problem.

    Maybe another guy can tell us why other sprites pathfinder behavior mess other sprites pathfinder behavior.

    Also you cannot set as custom obstacles same sprites, you have to add them as family and then add the family as custom obstacle.

    Using families you can reduce your code in lot of events.

    And it seems that effects cause extremely high CPU usage so its better to avoid it.

    Ah , you can use subevents

    use this

  • Please share.

  • If you add new obstacles you have to regenerate the obstacle map.

    The grid of obstacles is only determined once on startup. If objects are moved in the layout, the pathfinding grid is not updated, and objects will continue to pathfind as if the objects were in their old positions. To update the entire obstacle grid use the Regenerate obstacle map action, but note this is a very CPU-intense operation and should only be done on one-off occasions. It is much more efficient to update only small parts of it (ideally only the area that has changed), which can be done with the Regenerate region and Regenerate region around object actions.

  • The score i want to submit is the wins - loses = %

    If i create 2 leaderboards 1 for wins and 1 for loses because there are many first names who are the same is there any chance to mix up the scores?

    If i compare the names and photos for each leaderboard can i avoid that?

    Or i can compare only the playerId? is the playerId uniqe for each player?

  • Hello everyone ,

    Trying to integrate a game with instant facebook games i found 2 issues that force me to explore other options.

    Instant game does not retreive the full name of the user and leaderboard will not save scores that are not better than the players previous score.

    This 2 force me to explore other options and here i want your advise.

    Is there any problem if i add facebook plugin and playfab plugin but export it as instant game?(i understand that instant object must be include).

    And if i upload it to instant games using facebook plugin am i need to build my game to recognize if is on android or ios device, because if you try to add a game to facebook dev ask if your game is android or ios.


  • IG leaderboard only saves highest score, you cannot lower your own leaderboard score..

    And facebook only shows first names, not surnames.

    This has nothing to do with Construct.

    Thanks, i spend a lot of days to find out why this happen, finally i get my answer.

    So how other games show the players complete names?

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Member since 6 Dec, 2017

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