Just to be clear could you provide an example of what you mean. I think the short answer is no - I hadn't intended to make this a full blown font drawing package. Someone did mention they where using the tool as a template, and then editing the font in Photoshop. As long as you allow for any extra spacing, at least you get a bunch of work for free (pow-2, widths, etc), even if the graphic is manually adjusted. Yeah, nvmnd man, I'd rather like OTF support and right now the tool is great.
Would it be possible to have an advanced save mode where it saves at double the size for further editing? It would keep the measurements and instruct what the optimal final size should be to fit the measurements.
Or does the font sizing not scale evenly? (I suspect)
Adding strokes, highlights, and such at higher resolutions and reducing to the final size looks much better than editing the small size.
I haven't tested making it double size and halving all the numbers yet...
Also, could the text file include the other preferences as well? (or is that what is at the end of the filename?)
The only other suggestion would be maybe a choice of restricting the event width output to even or odd numbers, to cut the number of events to cut&paste. It could be shut off when high precision was desired.
Take that suggestion or leave it, I did it manually on a font that had 50 of them. ;-)
I'd suggest to blackhornet one more antialias mode (i.e. sharper, crisper, or smoother), I think that's why you need that, correct Paradox?
Also Paradox, I'd recommend you do a final "sharpen" on Photoshop to the saved PNG.