First line look suspiciously. Difficulty = 0 is all time true so all globals are every tick set to what you put in actions.
I try it, dont work. I wanna make that turtle from mario, when he is hiden in shell, sliding around and hitting all enemies on way.
So there is picture and capx with my new problem. Two same obiects collide with each other but they must have 2 identified text vairables. How do I destroy them both?
In what format was that music? I'm using .wav and work good.
It does for me too and delete object from layer that make that crash... How do one come back to r200 on steam? I rather have big lags then crashs.
It works, thanks so much! That will make everything 2x easier now. Thanks again.
So there is no way to make it work?
Ok I have same problem again... I try so many things... How do I make it work?
I cant change instance vairlable in other obiect by clicking copy of that other obiect...
Check file from my 1st post... And here is image what I mean:
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Nice, it work. Thanks for help.
So Im making small game for Desktop. I make nice big button with EXIT on it. I have events ready but cant find action that exit/close/quit my game.
I wanna use NWjs to export it.
Im missing something?
Like in subject, situation is in this capx: ... .capx?dl=0
Both sub-events after pressing square will be done because first event change light to off and second sub-event check if its off soo you know... Try removing sub events and make one "On mouse press" and "light = on" and another one "On mouse press" and "light = off"... Hope you get it, my english is bad.
Member since 27 Feb, 2013