I've been trying to get my apps to cocoonIO for awhile now, but I have a few questions first.
1) What Exporter is to choose?
I'm using the latest CoccoonJS Plugin available at Github. This is what I figured out so far (correct me if I'm wrong).
Export with CocoonJS / Build with Canvas+
- Cordova Plugins aren't supported then
- I need to use the 'CocoonJSAds' plugin to use Ads, Google Play Games etc. in Construct 2
- Good performance
- Small file size
My Question: If I want to use Canvas+, then I only can add the plugins available at 'Cocoon' (at the Plugin tab on cocoon.io)?
Export with Cordova / Built with WebView(+)
- Cordova Plugins are supported
- I can use additional plugins like the one provided by
My Question: How do I install the plugins correctly? And do I need to choose WebView or WebView+?
2) Settings
Everytime I export and upload the files (built with Cordova) the settings at Cocoon.io will be overwritten. Even if I delete the config.xml file before uploading.
Thanks for your help!