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Not 100% sure, but some actions require user input to prevent malicious activity. Sound is one of them, I imagine a browser redirect would be another.
Sure you can. That depends on the platform you use to sell the game though, not the platform you use to make the game, so this might not be the right place to ask how to do it.
Search: bitwise tilemap auto tiling
Your password would just be a randomly generated string that would be used as the room name, created by the host. Others would use the same string to join the room.
Everything else.
Oh I misunderstood. That is weird... will check it out in a bit.
But also, syncing should be done on the host side only.
Edit: Never mind... that might be wrong too. It's been a while since I meddled with multiplayer ><
Your peer version's event should be using Multiplayer.MyID
Member since 20 Feb, 2013