My mood has improved, this is an incredibly positive race.
Nada mal para programadores principiantes. Pero hay un error de simetría en el protagonista, que hace que se desenvuelva de forma brusca. Las tablas podrían haberse hecho no sólidas, pero usando un salto, pero lo sabes mejor. Puede hacer tantos niveles como desee utilizando las transiciones entre niveles. Es bueno que a la izquierda de la copa haya un abismo en el que puedo caer, pero ya es una victoria.
I know how to fix the transparency bug. When the transparent side takes color from the opposite side of the texture. It can be a sign that you are using texture filtering, but then you need to draw textures differently than you draw them.
Are you published in Kongregate? There is a rather toxic atmosphere.^_^
Here is your language:
In honor of Hanukkah, I made a number of spinning tops - a spinning top with the letters NJHP, a spinning top with all the letters and a good spinning top with paragon missions. Choose the type of spinning top, guess which signal it will stop, rotate it and perform the task
Вот вариант для RU сегмента:
В честь Хануки я сделал несколько волчков - волчок с буквами NJHP, волчок со всеми буквами и хороший волчок с идеальными миссиями. Выберите тип волчка, угадайте, по какому сигналу он остановится, поверните и выполните задание.
אבל, אחי, איפה סעיף ההוראות למשחק, איכשהו זה לא מוסמך שהוא מוזג עם סעיף התיאור.
I laughed heartily! You all got away well without even doing anything.
I have a lag, please check the optimization, this should not be.
Зачем? Недоделка.
What to click to start the game?
Я ржала как лошадь! 🤣
You have not explained how to use the menu. Therefore, I did not manage to play. Have a nice day.
Member since 4 Jun, 2017