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  • > Yet in Scirra's case all they have is a blog post that says 'dont worry about code optimization'


    Can you please link to this post please?

    I meant this: ... -your-time

    And about the audio, yeah i eventually found that, they have to update the manual! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Thanks for the plugin link!

  • Thanks guys, I'm very happy with the responses.

    Also, for others looking for further info, i found a similar topic in the construct 2 general section:

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  • Also, forgot to point out in the other post.

    According to this manual entry .

    Once a sound is loaded it stays in memory forever. I guess this isn't a bottleneck for most cases, specially with modern smartphones, but is this a good design choice to begin with. Shouldn't users be able to unload stuff as needed?

    Edit: To answer my own question ->

  • So to wrap up, in my opinion it is possible to make a big project (not sure about a huge one) in C2 in a way to make it work very well, but it's not an easy task. Definietely not a task for a C2 newbie. It needs experience and deep understanding of how the memory managament works in C2, which conditions are the real triggers and which are fake triggers, what takes the most CPU, how to make workarounds for high CPU intensive parts etc. Without all this knowledge you will probably fail in making a big game in C2 as C2 is simply difficult for such projects.

    From the other hand if you pick Unity or any other engine you also need to learn how to use it properly.

    Maybe scirra should add such optimization tips to the manual. I always read this sort of stuff when going into a new engine.. Yet in Scirra's case all they have is a blog post that says 'dont worry about code optimization', but according to you we should...

    In comparison Unity released last year a few videos on optimization tips, turns out making performant games with the tool is hard.

    One interesting thing was how ppl really shouldn't use RegEx and generally any string operation, and if ppl had to do strings, use strbuilder. Because there was a lot of array copy-pasting going on, etc. Unity has it's quirks.

    So, in construct's case I wonder where it stands, I mean browsers and the js machines have a lot of optimizations ppl underestimate or don't know about, so all in all it would be cool if there were coding guidelines for construct, based on real world scenarios/experience.

    Draw calls is another matter really, and happens on the CPU side. It's probably best to split that topic off to a new thread. We have OpenGL ES 3 equivalent capabilities with WebGL 2 though, so if at any point draw calls prove to be a bottleneck, it's something we can potentially optimise in exactly the same way a native app would adjust their draw calls to be more efficient. Most 3D APIs, WebGL included, are specifically designed to allow as much drawing as possible with the fewest draw calls, to as far as possible eliminate the CPU overhead.

    What i understand from this is:

    1.Construct is does not have any internal optimization regarding drawcalls.

    2.There is so far no interest to do so.

    Did I miss read this? I mean shouldn't something like this at least be on the roadmap.

    Ashley Btw thanks for all the replies in the thread, it's not every company that has a lead dev replying to regular users.

  • Hi there, I'm new to construct in general.

    My question is if construct 3 can be used to make web apps, and not only games.

    Meaning can the final build be set as to not include physics, for instance, or generally anything not used.

    Also, how would it fair with platform specific features?

    This is considering that the objective is to create apps for web and mobile, based on html5.

    Please enlighten me on the subject matter.

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