I have tried something like that >
I added those in index.html
<script type="text/javascript"
src="http://cdn.gameplayer.io/api/js/game.js"></script> ( before </head>)
//Spil Api
GameAPI.loadAPI(function(API) {
GameAPI.GameBreak.request(fnPause, fnResume);
var apiTry= 2;
function fnPause()
var apiTry = 0;
function fnResume()
var apiTry = 1;
</script> (after <script src="c2runtime.js"></script> )
Also I have added those in capx.
<img src="http://new.tinygrab.com/bd08b53d3f72a32d77a05e99619f2c09321047a8e2.png" border="0" />
After all there is no error in console and when I tried apiTry = 0 and apiTry=1 it works. But there is no ads or anything.