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  • Thanks Whiteclaws!

    So I have set the World's Gravity to Zero. That has made the Ball stand still which is good.

    Iv added 'Impulse Towards Position' to the Ball so it will increase the speed every time it ricochets off an object. (My understanding of Impluse)


    <img src="" border="0">


    The ball seems to decrease in speed overtime, even though the ball is rebounding off objects which should increase the speed.

    What do you think the problem is?

    I think it might be to do with the Touch controls as the force is based on the click or touch of the player.




  • Heya!

    I can't seem to get a stable thrust with the 'Physics Behavior' when I launch the ball. The ball's force is too strong.


    I tried the game with the 'Bullet' Behavior but it was just too slow and less bouncy, not as fluid as using the 'Physics' behavior. Slower Breakout Game Demo

    I did manage to launch the ball by using the Touch behavior but the ball launches too fast.

    To set the force at a reduced speed I tried:

    System: Every Tick > Ball > Apply Physics: Force 1, at angle 270? (up direction)

    ...But no luck. Any ideas?



  • Cheers Guizmus I think I get this now. . .

    The 'Speed' Global Variable adjusts the movement speed between 0 and 1.

    (I didn't type in a decimal number like 0.1)

    Set progress to clamp(progress + dt*Speed, 0, 1 <--Breakdown

    1. Clamp regulates movement between, under or over the minimum & maximum (0 & 1)

    The value will return to a position if X-Value is lower than the minimum, hence being able to scroll back if you press a button for the 2nd time.

    2. 0 and 1 represents non-movement & movement. When I added 0.5,1 at the end of "dt*Speed" it seemed faster because the scroll began in mid-movement (0.5)

    3. I'm not sure what the 'Progress' variable does. I initially thought it was the Speed Global Variable. I then thought 'Progress' meant movement or non-movement, like a toggle switch. 0=false. 1=True

    I really appreciate your example, I'm enjoying learning how to solve these logic puzzles. I hope I understand the concept of Clamp now, I read the manual.


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  • Thanks Guizmus

    I thought I could use the 'progress' global variable as a float instead of making a Speed global Variable.

    " clamp(progress + dt*speed, 0, 1) " makes sense. You added the dt speed to 'progress' but I could only get it to speed up. I don't think it can go below the default speed: I inputted " 0.5, 1 " at the end of the code, ie . . .

    . . .clamp(progress + dt*speed, 0.5, 1


  • Hiya lunarray

    I tried to figure out how to Adjust the scroll speed

    I understand that 2*dt adjusts the scroll speed between X and Y positions:

    " Scroll to lerp(scrollx, player.X, 2*dt) , lerp(scrolly, player.Y, 2*dt) "

    But I can't seem to make the dt value work with your adjusted code. I first thought that the variable at the end would adjust the speed. ie:

    " Set progress to clamp(progress + dt, 0, 5) "

    Then I thought to place Dt variables at the end of:

    On touched Clickspot > scrollToX to Clickspot.TargetX, 2*dt ...

    ...but I get an expression error. I think I need to learn more about how to combine different expressions, do you recommend a particular tutorial?

    Thanks again!

  • Wigriff


    Thanks guys, I will post my findings!

  • lunarray

    You are pure genius, your code is so much simpler! I repeated the lerp code for each button, what a complicated newbie error! Thanks for introducing me to 'clamp' & 'progress' functions. I'm going to go deeper into this now!

    I'm also going to try out a waypoint system so the camera scrolls from point-A to point-B to point-C on a single button press. Eg. On button pressed the camera scrolls down once > scrolls left once > scrolls down once. (as if it's following a path) I guess I can use a path finding behavior too. Time to experiment! :D


  • Thanks Paradox & Lunarray! :DX


    Thanks :D This is exactly what I wanted to achieve

    Do you think this method is efficient to use if I where to create 5 or more pairs of buttons? Like this example

    I aim to illustrate my music info-graphic<img src="" border="0">

    (but designed to be simpler )

    Thanks you guys!!!


  • Howdy!

    I want to create an interactive slide show using buttons to trigger a 'scroll to' behavior.

    I bounced around the forums learning about some great methods of how to scroll to position to position using lerp & delta time.

    I'm almost there but came across a problem when I implement more than one button. When I press Square 1 the camera scrolls to square 2 (visa/versa) but when I then press Square 3 it does not scroll all the way to Square 4. I really don't know why it falls short? :(



    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


  • This is just lame <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    My Lerp Buttons:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Buttons with your EaseTween:

    <img src="" border="0">

    And Consider that my Version does not even apply any effects !

    Here are the lerp buttons I made without LiteTween. There's only 4 buttons!



    <img src="" border="0">

  • Scroll To: Button Trigger

    Thanks Vtrix!!

    I re-appropriated the code so when you press the 'scrollstart' object the camera scrolls to the destination (player) instead of automatically scrolling :D

    Iv also made the animated 'player' into a button, so I can return to the start.

    I have a problem: I can only press the 'scrollstart' object once. When I press the object for the 2nd time nothing happens. Why doesn't the Boolean function reset so you can activate the button again? ...I'll have another tinker!



  • Carousel Weblinks


    I modified it so when you press an image it will take you to a website.

    Mouse > On clicked Sprite > Browser > Go to "http://..."

    This works! But it only allows for one link to be assigned to the 1 sprite. How would I make it so each frame can contain a unique web link.

    I think the best way is to somehow identify a specific frame.

    and assign it with a unique web link.

    I tried using 'set frame' but no luck!

    Any way of doing it without having several sprites?



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