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  • Last two cases are both endless loops.

    Take the 'set player directions' out of their respective events and put them in "on any touch end" or something.

    Ahha! Now I understand! Of course it makes sense.

    So the solution I went with: I added a short "System Wait" action to the beginning of both events to break the endless loop. This is so fun to learn!

    Thank You!

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  • Hello Construct community!

    I've only been testing out Construct 2 for couple of days now and I'm loving it! But now I've got a problem that I just can't figure out. I have a simple code where I use On any touch start to change the direction of the player. But for some reason On any touch doesn't seem to be detected!

    Here is the code:

    I've only got a touch object and a player in the layout with no any extra behaviors. I've even tried do recreate this in empty files and still can't make it work! Can you help me? What's wrong with my code?


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Member since 8 Feb, 2017

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