> Hello everyone!
> I'm having some problems with Rewarded video not loading. It work sometimes but more often than not, the video doesn't load. Can you guys see if there's anything I need to change? I have a Variabel called "WatchTime" so if the video doesn't load within 60 seconds you are sent to another layout so you doesn't get stuck.
> I would be super happy if you could help me out with this.
> Thanks in advance,
> Tomolo Games
Based on what you think the video is not loaded? I don't see you stopping the timer when a video is loaded so it will move to "NotLoad" layout no matter if it's loaded or not.
Also, note that on event 7 you start loading another video and immediately go to layout "Worlds". Loading a video is asynchronous so before the loading gets completed you switch to "Worlds" layout. Be sure to have conditions there which check if the video is loaded.
When the video is loaded, the "Play-button" is visible so that's how I know when a video has loaded. It works sometimes, but more often than not it doesn't work.
The timer is not stopped if it's loaded or not, that's true, but it doesn't really make a difference when it's comes to the problem with the video not loading. Once the video has started to play there haven't been any problem. You don't go to "NotLoad-layout" if the video is playing.
Yeah, on event 7 I can remove the "Load Video" because it doesn't make a difference if it's there or not because I have a "Load Video" on the start of the layout but I didn't when I first put it there. It's when the user stop the video you go to the layout "Worlds" not if the video stop loading.