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  • Hello!

    Im trying to find method to convert an image to some kind of text, so I can send it somewhere and "read" it later by convert back from text to image.

    For exmaple, my last idea: I know that it's possible to "read" base64 encoded images in C3 by "Load image from" Sprite's method but I don't know if there's some method to encrypt image to base64.

    What I want to do is to store image information in JSON file - and of course read it later in C3.

    Can you help me?

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  • Hi everyone,

    I am trying to send data from my Questions.json file to my "QuizzArray" Array in my project.

    The JSON looks like this:

    And the code looks like this:

    Now, what it gives:

    BUT... I am trying to build this "QuizzArray" this way:

    0: A, 1, 2, 3

    1: B, 4, 5, 6

    2: C, 7, 8, 9

    What am I doing wrong?


  • Thank you soooo much! ^^

  • Hello everyone,

    I'd like to taking screenshots in-game and save them into game main folder (as .jpg files for example). Then I'd like to load them from files to Sprite. Is there any option to do this?

    I would be very grateful!

  • Hi guys,

    Is it possible to pick an object instance that is first from left (or other side) of all this object instances?

  • No one answered this question precisely.

    I will try to explain in a few steps how to do it. I hope it will be useful to someone.

    1. Export your program from Construct and unpack it.

    2. Open the folder and find the file there called "package.nw".

    3. Change the extension of this file from .nw to .zip.

    4. Open "package.zip" and find "package.json".

    5. Open package.json using a text editor.

    6. There you will find a line of text: "chromium-args": "--enable-node-worker --disable-plugins --disable-internal-flash --disable-popup-blocking --allow-file-access-from-files --ignore-gpu-blacklist".

    Add to these arguments: --disable-devtools

    So we have:

    "chromium-args": "--enable-node-worker --disable-plugins --disable-internal-flash --disable-popup-blocking --allow-file-access-from-files --ignore-gpu-blacklist --disable-devtools"

    7. Save changes and close "package.zip".

    8. Change the extension of this file from .zip to .nw.

    And that's all. I hope I explained how easy it can be done :)


  • Hi guys!

    Is there any option to change sampling mode (ex. from linear to point) during the runtime?

    I have a video on separate layout which is playing at the start of game but game is pixel-art style. At this time, video have very low quality (because of sampling: point), but if I change sampling to linear, video is good but all game is like... blurred.

    Have you any idea what should I do? :/


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