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  • Pretty sure we can change our loading screen, javascript or not. There's a youtube video on how to do it out there.

  • SpaceSocks

    "Animated Text behavior for C2(C3 currently not supported)"

    Edit: Also you didn't need to buy this, c3 has a "type text" event or some name similar to that.

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  • I agree a lot of dead links/capx. For some post you don't need to have capx if it's explained there. There's still lot's of people that use c2, so I'm sure not half of the users have switched to c3 only or use it (cuz it ain't that perfect. nothing is)

    edit: also just make a post to request those capx, believe it or not people still use construct 2/3 since 4 to 5 years ago.

  • Sorry to hear. I'm sure you'll find a way to get a pc cuz you're gonna need one to get into game dev.

  • Idk what happened to my post it disappeared you can check out Gdevelop for an alternative that's free

  • My newest devlog is out!

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  • I highly doubt it, but will be surprised. Sicrra want's everyone to switch to c3 not c2 cuz of their sub model. I was lucky enough to get it for 130 on before they realized that the price was wrong on there and changed it.

  • Try Construct 3

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    Is Scirra purposely worsening the C2 experience of selling C3 signatures?

    I want to believe that not, but if it is, this will be very bad for the company image.

    I doubt that tbh. But if true that's pretty sad showing that they really do need more c3 users. AGAIN I DOUBT THAT. Also Is the closing this bad? (non-steam users) I barley get crashes and I'm using the latest version. Just revert to the last stable release, as this release for you is not "stable."

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Member since 4 Nov, 2016

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