Oh WOW thanks alot it worked!
okay i i changed it but it still doesnt limit the spawning.
Heres my capx
i feel really confused at the moment sorry :/
okay i tried that but it doesn't work
i don't know if i did that correctly
here's a screen shot.
i dont quite understand.. :C
im still new to construct 2 can you please explain?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
So right now i have
system > Every 1 second
System > pick random instance spawn
System create object Monster on layer 0 at floor(random(x,y)) , floor(random(x,y))
How do i make it stop spawning after a certain amount has been spawn?
Thanks guys!! it worked!
My character moves using the 4 direction method.
My bullet follows what I'm pressing down on my arrow keys
how do i make him shoot only left/right and up/down ?
How do i put in custom text?
I have 10 Spawn Points and i want to spawn another object there at each 3 seconds,
Since i'm still kinda new at this most of the forums post have been very confusing for me to undestand
Please HELP!!!!?!!?
I've been working with the new behavior and i need help with it.
Is there a way to make the object not overlap each other when there is a bunch of objects trying to move to the same space ?
Is there a way to create a infinite or randomly generated side scrolling game , not going up but going right like the ice ski game on the ios any ideas?
I really don't have much skills in the even sheet but i was wondering how do i make a background that keeps scrolling without me copying and pasting the background for a long time , i'm trying to make a doodle jump style game so the background has to scroll up please help???!?!?
Member since 5 Oct, 2012