Can you send me as a picture I do not have a r245
Thank you!
Thx but, I want to see the button 1 too. So, I have 2 buttons, when start the laout then the user can not touch on the button 2, just then before already touched the button 1.
Can you show me on picture?
I have 2 buttons.
I want to do, the user can only touch the button 2 if already touched the button 1.
How do I do this?
I have apps on app store. By one app, I added one button in my main menu. If the user touch this button, then can navigate to my apple developer account on the internet. In this case I need to check unlimited web access when I fill out the datasheet? If I check this menupoint then my app will be recommended only 17+ ages. If I do not check this menupoint then it will be recommended 4+ ages. So my questions are when I need this menu point checked? What does at mean unlimited web access?
I want to create google plus button, so if the user touched then like my app.
How can I do this?
So if I created a app with c2 and uploaded to iTunes then I can only 1 language choose?
Where can I set up, to add more language by iOS?
I do not thing this is so simple. By iOS need to ad the provision file and need to signing.
Can someone show me how it is work, by step by step on iOS?
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makkancs all you need to do bro is exsport your project into NW.JS and upload the zip
Thank you for your answer so if I export in zip, and then upload to MAC store then this is all?
I do not need to add the provision file?
Do you need any translate?
On Google Play it is simple, but on Apple developer account this is not possible.
If I choose 1 language by App then I can not add more.
Any idea, how does it work?
Member since 17 Sep, 2016