> > I find no difference between On collision or Is Overlap.
> >
> That sounds weird, because there is no doubt when I test it that I get a huge difference in performance, do you have any data to show, that would be interesting to see?
> Like how many objects etc. would like to see that.
~1400 objects peak, 60% CPU usage. No difference in CPU usage with On Col or Is Overlap. No difference in collision checks per tick.
That makes no sense, that would kill/slow down my game if there was so many objects with "On collision". Can you do me another favour and run this program, or if anyone else could as well. And just disable "On collision" and enable "Is overlapping" and next try the other way around and screenshot the debug performance window. Because it seems strange that it would be that different. Have you done anything special with your "On collision"?.
The results I get from this is these which uses 1024 objects: