new technique
Using just an event + paster plugin, I figured out a way to make a mirror effect, dynamic reflection that runs smoothly (reflection for the entire layout)
without duplicate sprite
without individual sprite paster
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Thank fine work
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dop2000 Apparently in preview mode it worked, gpu renders only the amount of frames that I want
I've found a solution to use at least preview mode;
is to use afterburn + rivaturner + Nw.js
The result can be seen in this video that I recorded:
*But the ideal would be to set fps in the game!
Hello Friends;
How to set 30 fps in my game?
Rex's moveto or:
Lerp(a, b, x) - Linear interpolation: Calculates a + x(b - a), or linearly interpolates a to b by x%. Eg. lerp(a, b, 0.25) gives the value 25% of the way from a to b
Member since 22 Sep, 2012