boolean's Recent Forum Activity

  • Kyatric: Neither F5 or the large button (it is greyed out). None of the chrome tabs had any pre-existing sessions running, so no chance of a window out of focus.

    Ashley: No layouts open when I took the screenshot, but I did try it with some open (when I was fiddling with the layout properties to change the default browser). As mentioned though right clicking on the solution explorer and clicking run worked fine. I also did a test with one of the example projects from C2 where I closed all the layouts and hit F5 (and the big button) and it worked fine.

    Previous to this problem I managed to get an error in the preview mode in Chrome. Is it possible that the session C2 is watching is not closing properly, causing C2 to lose track of where to run the preview? I guess in that case closing and opening C2 should fix that...

  • Hi all

    I've noticed that, very randomly, I'll lose the ability to run my project by either pressing F5 or clicking the big "Run Layout" button in the top ribbon. Strangely I can still run the project by right clicking on the root node in the solution explorer and run from there:

    Sample Screenshot

    Closing C2 down does not seem to help, nor does selecting a different run browser in the settings.

    Computer is:

    Windows 7, 64bit

    Construct 2 version: Release 101, 64 bit

    Last browser used before setting broke: Chrome 21

  • >

    > 2) The ability to move global variables to another event sheet. As my game grows and I split code out to separate event sheets, I find my global variables are stuck in the sheet I created them on (since moving them deletes all the related nodes). I'm wondering if I can mess about with the XML files to do this...

    boolean: You can already move the variables.

    When you cut them, indeed, actions and events related to those disappear.

    But once you paste them in the destination events sheet, they all reappear.

    Magic !

    Oh you're kidding me! Looks like you are correct. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I would like to change my feature request then that the dialogue box that says "All related events will be deleted" has the text "unless they are included back into another sheet" added <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    You can't simple make a event sheet, calling it by "Shared Global Variables", with all yours global and import then on every "Stage Event Sheets"? I do this way and never worried about.

    Unfortunately I didn't think of this when I started writing my game. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • imple graphic objects, like a line, a circle and a rectangle. It would be great if they could detect collisions with objects

    In the new beta releases you can do this (well, lines and rectangles, no circles yet). Very handy!

    1) I would like to be able to highlight a series of actions, and when I right click on "Add Group" the highlighted items are immediately added. It would make cleaning up code easier.

    2) The ability to move global variables to another event sheet. As my game grows and I split code out to separate event sheets, I find my global variables are stuck in the sheet I created them on (since moving them deletes all the related nodes). I'm wondering if I can mess about with the XML files to do this...

  • That's very odd...that works. I actually tried the same code earlier today but instead of "Is Overlapping" I used "Choose nearest", which does not work. It's strange because I would have assumed that both would have the same affect.

    How weird <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    But, using the event you suggested seems to work perfectly. I can't figure out though why "Overlapping" would work but "Nearest" would not though.

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  • Hi guys

    I'm having a problem similar to this thread, which it seems was never fully solved.

    I have an sprite called "Enemy_A", and the enemy has a weapon pinned to him. "Enemy_A" is part of the family "Enemy". When I try to pin the weapon to the family though, it does not pin it to each instance of "Enemy", only the first one it finds.

    I made a demo of this problem based on the example that ships with C2: Download

    It makes sense in a way - Even if I didn't use a object family and just said "Pin to Enemy_A" in my events, I'd still need to manually set it to each instance of "Enemy_A".

    Also, the technique R0J0hound suggested in the related thread doesn't really work with pinned objects because the interface only lets you specify a single type of object, not manually call a object like a text string.

    Any ideas on how to fix this? If I have one sprite with a pinned object which exists in the layout several times, how can I get a pinned object to pin to each instance of the sprite?

  • <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I found a manual way of doing this that others might find helpful. I only found out I could do this by accident!

    Turns out if you edit a condition or action, if you click the 'back' button it doesn't go back to the event sheet, it actually goes back through the settings of the action/event, all the way back to the object type. This lets you change what object type it is using without recreating the action. I wonder if there's others who didn't notice this either <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    So I renamed the instance variables I had, added it to the object family, and then went through all my events/actions and modified the type of object they are associated with. Took a few minutes of work, but it works.

    If anyone knows of an easier or different way, please do share.

  • Bought my full version of Construct today <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    So I'm cleaning up my project now that I have access to object families. I have a entity which contains a instance variable called "Selected", and the entity type I would like to move into a new object family. If I try and give the family a variable of "Selected", it will say I need to remove the entity instance variable first.

    The problem is, if I remove the instance variable from the entity first (so I can recreate it in the object familiy), all the actions I have setup will be deleted.

    Is there a way to move an entities variable to an object family without losing all the events?


  • I hope wgfunstorm doesn't mind, but I made a modification to his plugin. If anyone has an issue with me editing another users plugin, let me know and I'll pull the file offline.

    What it does:

    Changes this:

    <img src="" border="0">

    To this:

    <img src="" border="0">

    This is really handy when you are dealing with big arrays, for example:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Click here to download. Just replace the runtime.js file in the same folder you installed the original plugin.

  • I have no idea why anyone ever puts these buttons on anything. It may as well be labelled 'ruin my work'.

    We still get clients asking for "Reset Form" buttons, every time, if we don't add to them to our designs. I wish I knew why <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I've only been on the forums a few days, but I've already managed to amass a burning hatred for this button:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Double your fun by posting on a mobile phone with a touch screen <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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Member since 22 Aug, 2012

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