bonixmusic's Recent Forum Activity

  • This is a great idea and to help people share their talents. Good luck! :-)

    Thank you Joe :)

  • Awesome work! I visited your websites and left it open to listen your songs past hour or so. Again, very nice work and Im shocked if you arent working for some bigger game company already.

    Thanks! I'm trying to slowly build my music library and open it up through my website. EA, Blizzard, etc.. hasn't contacted me yet.. :) Really thrilled you like the music enough to listen to it even w/ that audio stamp :) Just released a new HUGE package. More details in new post.

  • Great tracks. I bought the sci-fi collection for a game I'm working on. If everything goes well with this project, I really hope that I can afford to pay for your custom music creation services for future games.

    Ooops, responded w/out quoting! <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Thx for the business - hope your game does really well!

  • Hey man!

    Thx for your business - Sorry about the long delay - I try to check forums often but due to not being able to log-in/internet issues occasionally I get back-logged! Hope your game does really well! Shoot me an email through my website once it's done if you like. I'm thinking about highlighting games that uses my music in the future. Not 100% set on doing this, but looking at the possiblity..and i'd just love to see your game on youtube or something. Thanks!


  • Happy New Year all!

    I'm running a special on all packages of 25% off for the new year for a limited time. Feel free to contact us through for custom music and royalty-free music.


  • Hi EyeHawk - sorry for the extend absence and delayed response! And thank you for the kind word! We've been busy producing and one of the packages we just released is Haunted Nature. If you're still looking, this may be of interest to you. If you're wanting custom music, contact us through our website and we'll see if we can work out a deal. Thanks!

    Haunted Nature has just been released for those needing some eerie ambient nature environments. Check it out out under products at

    Need custom music? Feel free to contact us!


  • We have just released a fresh Atmospheric Sound Design package, ASD Sci-Fi vol.1. This is a perfect compliment to Atmospheric Sound Design & vol.2. Here's a brief summary for those interested in some killer sci-fi loops!

    ~ Alien and Human Starship Loops ~ Motherships, Midsize, and Shuttles ~ Massive Celestial Space Bodies

    ASD Sci-Fi breaks the mold of your typical sci-fi collection. Our team of engineers crossed the galaxies to capture not only exotic ambient sounds from a massive supernova and other celestial bodies, but were invited to sample amazing vessels ranging from gigantic motherships, mid-size, to shuttle in alien and human crafts. Complex layers have been carefully analyzed and mixed to give these atmospheric cues interest, yet subtle to enhance the mood of your game. Be fully immersed with these cinematic Sci-Fi cues and our other ASD products!

    We also work with game developers for custom tracks, non-exclusive and exclusive price points. And a wide variety of styles of royalty-free music for those on a tight budget from ambient cues to fully orchestrated cinematic scores.

    Warm Regards,


  • Thanks for the kind words Rory

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  • Looking for cinematic music for your next killer video game? I specialize in orchestrated music w/ a modern touch when needed for themes, background beddings, atmospheric, quirky or intense soundtracks. Great for in-game music, menus, trailors, eBooks, etc..Custom music is available for different budgets or there's a selection of royalty-free music available at for those on a tight budget wanting affordable, yet professional music, all original compositions. A few free mammoth drum loops available and GUI audio samples too so check out Mammoth Drums and Audio Touch to download the freebies!

    A couple of my personal favorites, Victory or Death from the Epic Battles Cinematic Soundtracks and Room of Mischievous Clocks from Cinematic Fantasy Master Collection. One suited for intense battles and the other for those fantasy scenes.

    Prices for basic custom music start $50 per minute (ex. Atmopheric Sound Design & Happy Music) - non-exclusive advanced custom music, $300 per minute (ex. Victory or Death or Music from Cinematic Fantasy - non-exclusive

    Contact me through if you're interested in custom music. Let's work out a deal for your next project!



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Member since 7 Aug, 2012

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