Plugin uses string.split(separator,limit) method. Separator and limit are optional attributes and you can ommit them. If you do, method will return an array with a single element;
var URL="", var result=URL.split(); result will be an array with a single element (
If you use var Ucan="do it", Ucan.split("") will return an array with elements (d,o, ,i,t). (Mind the white space!).
If you do something like var query="split.string method JavaScript" and then query.split("i",2),returned array will be: (spl, t.str). This is an example use of a limit attribute in a string.split method.
If you need an datasplit action in the c2 plugin with a different character than ",", just edit the right line of code in the runtime.js; if you use this method on your server side, I hope this post will be of use!