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  • OK, in the unlikely case anyone else wants to do this: There's a layer effect that is exactly that.

    Wonder if there's a specific reason why it's not available as an ordinary blend mode, though...

  • I'm certain there's smarter ways to do this, but here's an approach I'd try:

    • When jump button is pressed, start a counter from 0 to max height. With each increase, increase height of the character.
    • Once max height is reached, turn the whole thing around with variable toggle so the number is decreased with each step. - When the counter is back at zero, the jump is over.
    • You can also use the current value of the height counter to make sure characters only can hit each other when they're of similar jumping height.
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  • Is there any elegant (read: not too taxing on performance or data volume) way of making an object behave the exact opposite than with the "additive" blend mode?

    For example, if the object is a pixel with the RGB values 0-50-0 and it's in front of a pixel with 100-100-100, I need the resulting pixel that's actually displayed on screen to be 100-50-100.

    I've experimented with opacity settings and gamma values in the overlaying object, but they don't seem to work in any way that can give me the exact results I want.

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Member since 22 May, 2016

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