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  • Curti

    hi i dont usually add people on my gmail... so i did a small capx with 4 examples using physics, static rotation and movement+rotation to left using counter-clockwise object.expression see capx events and see the comments inside. hope it helps u ... 3hmWk5QbWs Download Capx example

    Dear please help me in this that I'm missing, nothing's right. The pieces go away, they should is in the frame, but does not occur this, even if some I drag to the square, is not positioned.

    And it was incredible the example that sent me. but I'm having trouble with this. ... sp=sharing[/code:m8ttijmd]
    Forgiveness I can not do as you did to put the link to select, do not know very well use the one drive google
  • rotate clockwise/counterclockwise add a speed + 5 or - 5 etc

    Hi, could you be more clear I am beginner and do not understand much if you can. also send photos so I can better understand. where to go and where I click. If you can add me on gmail to talk better, as the forum takes too long answers. rsrrs if you can not and only rule, ok.

  • My Puzzle Game, gave error, the pieces disappear, someone can help me I do not know where this error.

    I know you have many rules in the forum, but do not understand if they send me, because I need details. Brazilian'm not understand much of English. if someone wants to talk with me by email>

  • Well I was doing a play that sent me, the book of tutorials, but in the game "Jumble Art", in the where to position the object in the empty square, it does not fit perfectly, not on what went wrong, since I reviewed all but still continues without position. On the drag, it's all ok. The problem is even fit in the empty square.

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  • Well firstly I talk about the tutorial book that I received, but to a certain time it was all right, but to follow the step of page 26 of the PDF position 35. I could not duplicate the object, and when I went to check the game by clicking play, did not show the game, did all the review but nothing contained error only on the double, for leaving only an object, usually worked the game. Well I think but lack clarity and where exactly have to go so really we do not lose time. When you put all what you need to know to learn, it also places where we go, where we click, "and not a criticism, but just understand that missing a few things to be perfect." yet even I prefer this program. Well I hope to help me while I am not answered, I'm doing and trying to understand the other game.

  • Bem em primeiro lugar falo sobre o livro de tutorial que eu recebi, porém até um certa tempo estava tudo certo, mas ao seguir o passo da pagina 26 da posição 35 PDF. Não consegui duplicar o objeto, e quando fui verificar o jogo clicando em play, não apareceu o jogo, fiz toda a revisão mas nada constava erro só na parte de duplicar, pois deixando somente um objeto, funcionava normalmente o jogo. Bem acho que falta mas clareza e onde exatamente tem que ir assim realmente não perdemos tempo. Quando se coloca tudo oque precisa saber para aprender, se coloca também por onde devemos ir, por onde devemos clicar, "Não e uma critica, mas assim entendo que falta algumas coisas para serem perfeitos". mesmo assim ainda prefiro este programa. Bem espero que me ajudem, enquanto não sou respondida, vou fazendo e tentando compreender os demais jogo.

  • Hello!!!

    How to Make a Game of several balls rolling to the left. This game I want to make a mobile game. Platforms in style but balls rolling to the left.

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Member since 21 Apr, 2016

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