First thing first, EaseTween's ping pong is different from LiteTween ping pong. So, easetween ping pong works by doing tween back and forth, while litetween pingpong reverse the seek bar of the tween. It is easier to differentiate if you see how they work in practice.
Okay, now for the ping pong stop, you just use ping pong (accessible from the start action), and then add 'On Reverse End' Condition for the sprite (or anything you tween), then put action Sprite.LiteTween.Stop.
In LiteTween you might end up taking more events to control your tween, but in the end, that is how it should be. EaseTween is more comfortable and powerful, but the idea of making LiteTween is to make is more light, and to delegate all the play control to the even sheet.