You don't actually have any global variables, you have instance variable on the robot that need to be reset "On start of layout". Then it works.
Wait does not block, which is what you are expecting. Check the manual. You should use the Timer behaviour to sequence your events.
Have a look at my MIDI sample program. It has a keyboard:
You are ANDing PlayerLives=3 with the trigger - break it out as a sub-event like the others, or the rest of the code will never be run, as PlayerLives won't be 3.
This tutorial uses a simplified lobby: ... th-a-lobby
Doesn't deal with room creation though.
Just AND them all together. Add the first, right-click, "Add another condition"...
zeropad(number, digits)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Nothing you can do.
Everything that isn't a trigger runs "every tick", if it's a top-level event.
Get the name of the current layout.
You need to use Families so you can pick the two objects, one as the base object, the other from the family.
Your characters are all floating in the air.
Member since 28 May, 2012