I'm wondering if the same detector is getting hit twice somehow. Rather than decoding the next direction from the current one, maybe try having the detector tell which direction to go next. That way if it's hit twice, you will still go in the same direction.
Just a thought.
Your source images were not the size you said, and didn't cover the full area (and the large one had an origin of 1,1.
I've fixed all settings and it works as expected.
You need a second family with the same items (e_GPS2) so you can do "e_GPS has LOS of e_GPS2", for example.
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I've explained on the thread already that I don't have access to anti-aliasing in the new version. You can still use the old one for that.
Turn off "Set angle" on 8-direction.
You should always have an M4A and OGG file. It is an oddity that the OGG will show up without M4A, but not the other way round.
You have to use the System:For, not the Array:For for System:Stop to work.
To use int or floor, you need to add one to the second parameter, or that number will never be reached, as it is exclusive, not inclusive.
So, int( random(shuffle.Param(1), shuffle.Param(2) + 1) )
You can't compare two of the same object type at the same time. Put bomb into a family and change event 3 to:
bomb is overlapping BombFamily -> destroy bomb
(You don't need a fourth event).
You Score events are going to be called constantly (once it reached 1). Dump them, and call AddDificulty right after "Add 1 to Score". Then it's called once when needed.
startMouseX/Y need to be Global variables, not locals. Locals always get reset to zero outside of their scope.
System:For 1to7
Member since 28 May, 2012