Sorry, that doesn't help. It looks fine. What is Table_Player? Try isolating the code into a separate project and experimenting, or post CAPX. ... 2_BHT.capx
We need to see the real code. You are interchanging loopindex and loopindex("ShieldLoop")
The problem is the movement code is only applied to the currently existing platforms. You need to store the same movement value and then apply it at the time of creation. ... House.capx
The thing is, if it didn't work, the data should show zeros. Are you sure you aren't wiping it out somewhere else?
Do a search for the Nickname plugin. C2 doesn't support this natively.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable. ... g_BHT.capx
It's the Timer that gets the queue. Add "For each Sprite", and you'll see the timer gets sent two Sprites at the same time.
Fair comment. I'll add these in. Give me a day or so. I'll also add expressions, for completeness.
loopindex isn't used when you use the 'Array.For each'. loopindex is a System expression. Switch to For "" from 0 to Array.Width-1, and it works.
Member since 28 May, 2012