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  • Hello every body

    i have a Problem, since 1 week i can't export my Construct 2 Project in Construct 3 and i have every time the same Error.

    Can someone help me?


  • Hello everybody

    I have a problem with the multiplayer plugin. I'm currently working on an arcade shooter that is supposed to be playable for two.

    My problem: The touch control works only for the host. The controller does not work with the peer. Unfortunately, I can not find the error, maybe someone here has a solution.

    Thank you for any help.

    Example Capx: dropbox.com/s/195esio9sowm8dl/Forumhelp.capx

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  • oke Thank You

  • HI

    I Want make a Touch Control for my Shooter Game.

    With the Right Finger you can Shot. (1/3 of the Screen are a Button for Shot.)

    With the Left Finger you can Move. The Movement goes so you can everywhere touch and pull in that direction you want, so the Player move in this direction. (2/3 of the Screen are a Button for Movement)

    My Problem:

    When i first Touch the Movebutton gives no Problems.

    But when i first Touch the Shot Button and then with the second finger the Move Button can i Control the Movement with the right Finger (first Touch) but the movement should be only controlled by the Left Finger.

    I Mean the easiest Way to Fixit were, When i can control all Count of Touches and not only the first.

    Goes that?


    Sorry for My Bad English

  • HI

    I Want make a Touch Control for my Shooter Game.

    With the Right Finger you can Shot. (1/3 of the Screen are a Button for Shot.)

    With the Left Finger you can Move. The Movement goes so you can everywhere touch and pull in that direction you want, so the Player move in this direction. (2/3 of the Screen are a Button for Movement)

    My Problem:

    When i first Touch the Movebutton gives no Problems.

    But when i first Touch the Shot Button and then with the second finger the Move Button can i Control the Movement with the right Finger (first Touch) but the movement should be only controlled by the Left Finger.

    I Mean the easiest Way to Fixit were, When i can control all Count of Touches and not only the first.

    Goes that?

    Capx: dropbox.com/s/xrpwehag159to9h/touchtestf.capx

    Sorry for My Bad English

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