Yeah sprite fonts are the way to go if you want consistency.
This is what you would use if you were pasting JSON into the event sheet.
"{""c2array"":true,""size"":[3,1,1],""data"":[[[""user""]],[[100]],[[999]]]}"[/code:u5dh7vlp] When loading through AJAX you don't need to escape the quotation marks so it should look like: [code:u5dh7vlp]{"c2array":true, "size":[3,1,1], "data":[[["user"]],[[100]],[[999]]]}[/code:u5dh7vlp]
Save your text file with UTF-8 encoding.
You don't need the extra quotes if you're loading from a file. You just need it like this:
{"c2dictionary":true,"data": {"1":"bronze sword", "2":"bronze pickaxe","3":"bronze axe"}} [/code:38tvyg7d] There's no null. The C2 dictionary only holds numbers and strings. Also if your keys are just numbers you might use an array.
You have to use the right format for C2. Use the dictionary's download as JSON action to see what it should look like.
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Put the line of sight behavior on the gun.
You're comparing the string "JustSpawned" to the number 0. They'll never be equal.
I guess JustSpawned is an instance variable on MonstersNoSigns. If so, use the "MonsterNoSigns: Compare instance variable" condition.
You have to set the global flag ("g") for all matches.
RegexReplace(Text.Text, "p", "g", "*")[/code:5g8ztt7g]
Looks like you're setting ID to the wrong UID. (Items.UID instead of Slot.UID)
"Compare Frame" is a Sprite condition. You can combine that with the "Is Playing" condition to check the animation as well.
You have solid behavior on the player and enemies. It's going to block the line of sight.
Member since 17 Apr, 2012