You could convert the timestamps into JavaScript Dates and subtract them: ... ate-format
Have you created all the animations?
The animation event shows "" by default. If you delete that and type " again it will show the auto-complete.
It's accelerating for 1 tick? Try setting the speed instead.
khenkel The manual is only updated for stable releases.
In the "Compare parameter" condition you put the parameter index as the first value so it should be "Function: Parameter 1 <= ..." and not "Function: Parameter Self.Param(1) <= ...".
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
It works great at low speed but you have a bug if you drag the sprite quickly.
You should be able to get it with MDrone.UID.
Same thing, just swap Sprite for Family.
Here's another option using some placeholder position sprites at the different locations. For each sprite you want to place, pick a random unused position sprite and place it there.
random_position.capx (r200)
You need to implement your own movement events instead of using "move along path". After you find the path, you can use Sprite.Pathfinding.NodeCount to get the number of nodes and Sprite.Pathfinding.NodeXAt(Index), Sprite.Pathfinding.NodeYAt(Index) to get the x,y position of each node.
Your link doesn't work but I guessed at phpTest2.capx.
You want to set the data to "key=value" so it would be something like:
Data: "plantData="&URLEncode(plantData.AsJSON)
Then in PHP you can access $_POST["plantData"].
Member since 17 Apr, 2012