Thanks for pointing out the trolling, and taking a pic. Unfortunate. Some one else however seems to have reverted. Which whomever it was. It's appreciated
I agree with wanting C3 done right out the gate as of 1.0. however doing it right out the gate would require very long time; along the lines of 2/3 years of a tool developed in isolation. With C3 IDE need to be redone instead of built on top of. What I'm hoping for is the beta to be released very light and "soon". With a lot of tools missing non existent. So that beta developers can help evolve C3 towards it's 1.0 release and weigh in what would be best for 1.0 release.
It's a compiler method. Non reference code(ie pointed else where to in memory) is just faster. This comes down to memory cache for values. In a loop memory needs to be recycled which uses up time. Where as hard coded declared the memory use at compile time. There is also memory referencing of loops as a loop is scoped piece of code and so also has to have memory properly allocated every iteration with the next set of values.
By unraveling a loop by n the compiler preallocates the memory, and also reduced the loop cache scope by a division of n. By having memory better handled and less code scopes, the result is increased performance. it's just unraveling a 50 line loop by 8 is going to produce a code file of 50lines x8unravel or 400 lines, instead of just 50. So that means if the loop needs editing, then you need to make sure each unravel needs to be updated.
I would love to see Construct 3 use duffs device on the main game loop. Looking through C2 game loop, there would be little benefit. As C2 itterates through each object Type first(so 4 different sprite type objects, are their own loop of main logic). That's also the reason why my push for C3 to use a singular world object. Then C3 can use duffs device to unravel the world object code and we could work to get more performance out of C3 than we can from C2.