Gillis's Recent Forum Activity

  • thanks :)

  • Is there a way to embed a youtube video into a forum post? I have scoured the forum and have been unsuccessful.


  • If you are having trouble importing non OGG this has worked for me in the past... My main Dev box is XP too >.>

    VideoLAN (VLC) freeware, will allow you to convert MP3, WAV, etc to OGG if you are running Windows XP. This is an easy work around and is almost instant. There are youtube videos on how to do this.

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  • Thanks Ashley.

  • One observation I have made is that after adding the aforementioned Web.Config to my HTML5 site Iphone5 defaults to Canvas2d instead of WebGL. I will follow up if I figure out how to address this through code.

  • Building off of what NotionGames said about shadows. I would love to see lighting effects where you didn't have to use two layers for black. Like a simple way to add an light mask that fills everything else with darkness. Right now there are ways but they are processor intensive using the canvas pluggin etc. I know a lot of people would love lighting. This might not quite fit into shadder effects topic but in my mind it is low hanging fruit for you guys. Lovein Construct 2. Great platform, best Community.

  • Is anyone else having trouble searching the forum tonight? I dont see the typical search field

  • I was having issues with sound once uploaded to GoDaddy on a test project. I found the solution and I think this will be helpful to others exporting on the native HTML5 Website settings.

    Create a web.config and put it in in the same directory as your index.html

    Here is what the contents of the file should look like when using IIS:




       <remove fileExtension=".ogg" />

         <mimeMap fileExtension=".EXTENSION" mimeType="application/ogg" />

       <remove fileExtension=".ogv" />

         <mimeMap fileExtension=".EXTENSION" mimeType="video/ogg" />

       <remove fileExtension=".oga" />

         <mimeMap fileExtension=".EXTENSION" mimeType="audio/ogg" />




    Here is what it would looke like in Apache using the .htacess file instead of web.config:

    Most servers (including those used by GoDaddy) by default don?t serve the appropriate MIME Types for OGG files. That being the case, you?ll need set the appropriate MIME Types for OGG files if you want HTML5 audio players to work correctly in Firefox. So for an Apache server, you would need to add the following to your .htaccess file:

    AddType audio/ogg .oga

    AddType video/ogg .ogv

    AddType application/ogg .ogg

  • Hi guys. I am Gillis. I am fairly new to Construct but loving it. I forgot to introduce myself when I was a noob so I guess it's now or never.

    Here is my game Luna.   I am spending a TON of time on graphics and hope to have a beta up sometime this year!

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Follow my on Twitter

  • I am also looking for this so I can use the platform behavior...

  • This is really cool. It reminds me of bomberman for some reason. Nice job!

  • Just to let you guys know I'm updating this and adding all the extra bits in. I'll get it to you guys shortly. :)

    Is this up-to-date still?

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Member since 7 Apr, 2012

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