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  • Very inspirational, thanks for pointing that video out, I�ve been thinking about those things a lot lately, as it was just this year I�ve taken the courage to become a game developer(thanks to C2 too).

    The first part has some very impressive features that I hope C2 can implement. The future is bright. ;]

  • I�ve never thought of using groups to execute an action for a limited amount of time. Thanks.

    I�m having troubles wrapping my mind around the function/timeline/worksheet plugin and haven�t found anything in the tutorial section.

    I think I�m missing some amazing functionalities, isn�t there anyone interested in doing a tutorial for these plugins?

  • if you do get around to adding global bools please also add an option to set the value of the bool not just toggle it. The toggle is useful no doubt but Id like the ability to set the value directly as well. Same for instance bools. I dont use those at all simply because I cant set the value

    But there is a Set Boolean event already.

  • Yeah, it�s odd to have booleans available in the local instances of the objects and not in the global.

    I personally use string values with "true" and "false" just to make it more readable.

  • Pode that�s a cool feature ;] Mics could have many interesting uses in a mobile platform.

    I�ll see if I can get flash to work on my phone

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  • Maybe a possibility would be something similar to the DS games that use microphone? Like in the DS Zelda, where you can blow in the mic and put out candles?

    Does it work in mobile browsers that support flash?

  • Really neat. My suggestion would be to have a slide down slopes action, like in Super Mario where you could slide in ramps.

    There�s a "bug" where you can jump on the water surface infinitelly.

  • Why not make it mouse controlled?

    it?s hard to turn with the keyboard now ;]

    Also, when you start a new game it starts with -15 HP and goes to the game over screen. ;]

  • Thanks Kyatric, I see then that while is useful for different things.

    I�ll study your example ;]

  • Hello, how do I make the next loop of a while event happen only when the last one finished?

    In this example I�m trying to flash each number just after the last one finished flashing. Is there any way to do this?


    Thank you!

  • +1, it�s very useful specially for layouts with many objects

  • I love super hans ;D

    Needs highscore table! \o\</p>

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