2dchaos's Recent Forum Activity

  • Oi, a l?ngua oficial do f?rum ? o ingl?s, ent?o por favor posta uma tradu??o do seu post em ingl?s caso precise mesmo falar outra l?ngua(mesmo se for via google translator).

    Tamb?m sugiro evitar usar CAPS e postar em diversos foruns porque ? considerado falta de educa??o.

    Tem um tutorial sobre como postar no Arcade aqui:



    The official language in this forums is english, please post a translation of your post to english if you need to write in other languages(even if it?s by google translator).

    Also, I would refrain of writing in ALL CAPS and double posting, as it?s considered rude.

    There?s a tutorial about how to post to the arcade here:


  • I think the matter of the question is not the Oculus Rift but whose project is more capable of going to the end?

    The Rift already has a working prototype, which a lot of big names in Game Design backing up.

    The OUYA has some cool videos and 3d renders but I�ve yet to see some hard cold data showing how they will be capable of delivering and they are a much more complicated product than the Rift. The partners they got are nice but it smells to me too much like free marketing ride from PR execs.

    Don�t take me wrong, I hope the OUYA succeeds, it�s a good idea, but the lack of information and the mistery surrounding their business plan doesn�t make me confortable to invest money on them yet.

  • Heard about it in a podcast after Miniboss, an amazing indie dev group here in Brazil talked about their experience using CC to do Talbot�s Odyssey(http://www.indiedb.com/games/talbots-odyssey-part-i). It was very inspirational talk and of course, as a lazy procastinator I was, it has taken me almost two years to open the program again.

    So, this year, me and my gf where talking about learning Unity and doing some games one sunday. I�ve told her about C2 and downloaded the free edition and in about 3 hours we had a working prototype of the game we just used to talk about, so we fell in love and bought it one month later. ;]

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks, Do you have the .capx of the example? ;]

  • > You're pretty much guaranteed for HTML5 games to work on Ouya, since they work well on Nexus 7 which is basically an Ouya in terms of hardware. Ouya is using a Android as well, so people that make android wrappers are almost certainly going to support it eventually.

    Nice to read that, well i guess im going to pledge OUYA before 47 hours left.


    A not hyped opinion on the matter. ;]

  • Good to see your behaviors/plugins in action ;]

    But I couldn�t find any golden flower ;/

  • Make the objects global in your first layout and that should do it.

    Awesome, thanks again for your help R0J0! ;D

    I?m happy that there?s a simple solution for this, I?ve never noticed the global boolean ;]

  • I have several instances of an sprite with the bullet behavior and I need to have they retain the same position+direction on the next layout.

    How can I use an array to store the objects positions between layout changes?

    I?ve tried, with no success.


  • If you sign up with hostgator you get a free SSL certificate. At least that was their deal when I signed up last year. Works great for publishing Facebook apps. FYI.

    Going to check that out, I?m sick of godaddy.

  • Totally rad! ;D

  • Yes, but ssl licences are getting more cheaper this days. The more demand the better i guess. The price anyway should be perfectly compensated with any income from the overall operation (or you are basically bankrupt).

    Anyone see any future in MobiUs or whatever similar Ios browser for gaming? (i don't want to add more work to you but i have to ring you Ashley about this one since you may now better)

    I?ve found some cheap SSL licenses some time ago.

    I?m interested in using facebook as a platform, but not for monetization. I?m more interested in using it to promote the mobile versions of my games and create interest in future titles. ;]

    I?m just not seeing people investing real money in browser games and the mechanics of operating a virtual items store are far too complicated to me now. I?d rather invest my time making some cool game mechanics.

    If some solution like clay.io proves itself simple enough and trustworthy enough, I?ll start to think about it.

    I?ve personally not tested the MobiUs, care to share some impressions?

  • Also, the delete point option is not working.

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