This is the code that runs it, and it outputs nothing.
<?xml version='1.0' ?> <LevelData> <level id='-2' layout='1-1'>Test Level One</level> <level id='1' layout='1-2'>Test Level Two: Electric Boogaloo</level> <level id='3' layout='1-3'>Test Level Three: The Direct To Video</level> <level id='7' layout='1-4'>Test Level Four: The Prequel</level> <level id='10' layout='1-5'>Test Level Five: The Spin-Off</level> <level id='12' layout='1-5'>Test Level Six: The Christmas Special</level> <level id='16' layout='1-6'>Test Level Seven: The Television Series</level> <level id='21' layout='1-6'>Test Level Eight: The Reboot</level> </LevelData>[/code:1qoyydsi] This is the XML itself. No matter what "Node" I set the player to (on xml sheet or not) it outputs nothing. The text is supposed to be text, and the layout is supposed to just point to a layout. How am I doing this wrong?
Thank you!
This is what I ended up doing:
Something like:
If on floor
Within 2 Seconds of the above being true
do a thing
If you understand my gibberish wording, please help.
So I want the program to write a file, the output looking something like
viewsettings { "bSnapToGrid" "1" "bShowGrid" "1" "bShowLogicalGrid" "0" "nGridSpacing" "64" "bShow3DGrid" "0" } world { "id" "1" "mapversion" "1" "classname" "worldspawn" "skyname" "sky_halflife3a" "maxpropscreenwidth" "-1" "detailvbsp" "detail.vbsp" "detailmaterial" "detail/detailsprites" solid { "id" "2" side { "id" "1" "plane" "(-128 128 0) (128 128 0) (128 -128 0)" "material" "HL3/GROUNDSNOW02" "uaxis" "[1 0 0 0] 0.25" "vaxis" "[0 -1 0 0] 0.25" "rotation" "0" "lightmapscale" "16" "smoothing_groups" "0" } editor { "color" "0 144 145" "visgroupshown" "1" "visgroupautoshown" "1" } } } entity { "id" "10" "classname" "prop_static" "angles" "0 0 0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "model" "models/props/d1_crash/hl3copter/helicopter_destroyedamdl" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "skin" "1" "solid" "6" "origin" "0 0 0" editor { "color" "255 255 0" "visgroupshown" "1" "visgroupautoshown" "1" "logicalpos" "[0 500]" } } cameras { "activecamera" "-1" } cordons { "active" "0" } [/code:3sikoiwt] But... Consider the view settings,world,entity,ect. as separate "tabs" that can have more information posted in-between them. As in "entity" can have 5 similar looking things, but not at the end, only in that tab. These similar looking "things" can be the sane but have different information in them, so it could also look like this [code:3sikoiwt]side { "id" "1" "plane" "(NUMBERS) (DIGITS) (NUMERALS)" "material" "PUTSOMETHINGHERE" "uaxis" "[1 0 0 0] 0.25" "vaxis" "[0 -1 0 0] 0.25" "rotation" "0" "lightmapscale" "16" "smoothing_groups" "0" } side { "id" "1" "plane" "(-128 128 0) (128 128 0) (128 -128 0)" "material" "SOMETHINGDIFF" "uaxis" "[1 0 0 0] 0.25" "vaxis" "[0 -1 0 0] 0.25" "rotation" "0" "lightmapscale" "16" "smoothing_groups" "0" }[/code:3sikoiwt] And after ALL THAT... write a file containing the information. Is this possible?
Thank you very much!
Example: A string containing "Wolf B Online", and I want the string itself to be left alone, but I just want "Wolf" as an output.
"Tom Jones" > "Tom"
"two oclock" > "oclock"
Is this possible?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Worked. Thanks!
Example, I have a number that is 33.5, How do I make this 32? But if it were something as in 70 it would be 64? 130->128,260->256,ect.
One year ago Scirra announced Construct 3, and to me it seems like not very much information has been released since then. No hurt feelings, but what's happening?
Member since 15 Jan, 2016