Hello today i want make farm gaming but some problem here
This my problem : youtube.com/watch
you can look it in vedio
i Hit THe friut but agian Spawn
i want hit it but dont spawn agian <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /> how to do that?
you can help me or no?
Ok let me see
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
How do i Make online game ?
On started >>> Connect to Ws.scirra.com ????
how do i?
can you make Project for me?
to learn how to make online game
so how?
if unchecke the box System Dont Upload my game
i upload game but Scirra System dont
I dont want Click at Adualt becouse my project is not Adualt Project's
How to Fix Wrongs in this game-
if Agar is big but camera not zoom out
IF touch (w) Gave mass
If space Set 2 agars
and URL IS removed
sorry my english bad
OK this not help me becouse in this project i dont want cotroll camera in layers i want to controll camera
by use (-) (+)
thank you now i found
I DONT know how to upload game to Scirra can you help me
you have any vedio to learn me how to upload game here
i click at Upload game in Arcade but i cant upload game
I dont read Warning Massing thank you for help i try to update
Member since 13 Dec, 2015