Is the Construct3 Option self contained and easy to do? I mean once I go through this process you linked is it pretty straight forward and no other surprises? Or once it is out of CS3 from Cordova it is a whole other process getting it to work with Xcode or getting it into Google play(Yes I am aware I am talkiong about to different stores, I intend to do both this time around)
I have iMac and Xcode installed, I have Apple Dev account - does it integrate easily with xcode? I tried using the ejecta and spent 3 hours to get it working once out of Construct2 only to have the ejecta plsash screen load and nothing else. So I started looking for other options.
I have google play account and have published apps in the past but not with CS3.
To get CS3 that is another $100 I have to spend, which is fine, IF I am not taking another 5 hours to figure out how everything works together. :) - Seems harded to get a game published than it is to actually make the game sometimes.