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  • try this tutorial ... ing-screen

    Yes I considered that. But there are a few limitations with the loader layout, as mentioned in the tutorials.

    "Loader layouts are not shown when publishing as native apps on mobile..."

    " Loader layouts are only ever shown the very first time the game is being downloaded from the web..."

    (source: ... ng-screens)

    Also: When switching to a layout that has quiet a lot to load, the engine freezes completely.

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  • I have the same problem: But I also want to get rid of the freezing.

    My short-term solution is the following:

    If you click the play button (which directs you to a new layout), I display a loading image, then wait for 0.5sec (so the image has a chance to be displayed) and then call the 'go to layout' function.

    Since the game is actually freezing the loading image can't be animated. But at least the player has some kind of feedback.

  • Hi,

    I hope this wasn't posted before. Google didn't find me anything useful, at least.

    My problem is that construct freezes for a couple of seconds when I am clicking the play button in my main menu and then change to the first level of the game. (I'm using 'go to layout')

    The level consists out of ca. 55 objects (sprites, tiled backgrounds, texts), some of the sprites have animations. I'm running r190.

    Is there any way to remove that freeze? I tried putting every object into my main menu layout, hoping that construct would then cache them and the 'go to layout' wouldn't freeze any more. But no luck so far.

    I also tried to show a spinning cirlce, but since the game is really freezing, the circle also freezes. :/

    Any ideas on that?

    Is there something like 'switch to layout when layout is loaded'?



  • I'll give it a push. :)

  • Hey everyone!

    Is it possible to exclude layouts from saving?

    Since I may have the situation where I want to expand the size of my layout in a new version. And I noticed that this is not happening when you load a savegame.



  • Thank you Haematite for this! I was struggling with saving an array for two days now. Should have googled earlier. ;)

  • Nice work and thank you Kenney!

    Those road tiles are really beautiful!

  • What a great idea thanks! :)

    So simple but I couldn't work something like this out... :-/ :)

  • Hey guys!

    I'm working on a top-down action game (kinda like the old GTAs :) ).

    I wanted to implement that the player could enter buildings, so I made an extra layout for every building.

    In that building I spawned an instance of the player. But when I want to go back I found no proper way to tell the game where the player was before entering the building. He is always spawns at his start position of the layout.

    I had the idea that I could create global variables for every building wich include the spawn-position next to the building. But that didn't work...

    Mabe you guys have some ideas. :)

    I hope this problem for Construct 2 wasn't posted already, but I didn't find anything in the FAQ or using the search.

    spinz89 :)

  • looking forward to it!

  • Thanks for your fast reply!

    I'll give it a try, and if my game ever comes to life I will give you credit of course. :)

  • Thx for your post! I never thought of making 2D-sprites using sketchup, it's simple and looks great! :)

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Member since 27 Jan, 2012

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