Gigatron There is a very, very, VERY nasty bug in the plugin. If the cube texture is too dark/black - the canvas goes ******* and plugin gets messed up. But its not visible in preview. You have to export the project to NodeKit. Even previewing in NodeKit will not uncover the bug, you have to export. Its present in both 32 and 64bit windows export.
Heres the cap. Export it to Nw.js on your own.
Also, not to brag but...
I am in the middle of a very big project. And today, instead of adding new things to my game and expanding the game in general, I've spent EIGHT hours, full of frustration trial-and-error debugging, and over 70 NodeKit exports, trying to inspect this bug and find the source of it. So, yeah. Please appreciate my dedication.
Try to set Light Depth To 0;
It's working for me i see 4 black cube...