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  • Browser function works ok with Back button, Quit command, etc. But Vibrae doesn't work. I will try this again.

    About the crashing... Yes, the game is minimizing, but if you try to return to it, then it crashes :/

    I don't use Windows Plugin now either as nothing from it works. Just tried it to check if it can fix something. It can not.

    Thanks for help.

  • Anyone?

    I also don't know how to get rid of the navigation bar when game starts :/

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  • Hi,

    so I've almost finished my first game which I want to publish on Windows Phone 8.1 and I have some issues (couldn't find solution):

    1) Vibrate - can't get it to work. Tutorial I think is pretty much outdated - Windows Phone Plugin doesn't seem to work for me in any case.

    2) My game crashes every time i minimise it by clicking Windows button or by clicking web link. I mean when I check the list of open apps, the game is still there, but when I choose it, it crashes... Tutorial is also outdated, I guess.

    3) Delayed audio at start of layout. Even though I have "Preload Sounds" turned on, it doesn't seem to work. I tried also with "Loader Layout" and tried to preload every single sound manually but it didn't work either. This is not a big deal at the moment as I have just few sounds and after couple of seconds it's allright. Actually I would like to have many more, and play them at the same time, but I can't because C2 and WP don't like each other )

    If anyone can help me, I would be very happy


  • I have the same problem on WIndows Phone.

  • Wooohooo! I've found the way around So frikin simple. Duh.

    I just changed url in the action Ajax: Request URL

    from: ""

    to: ""&"?"&random(10000)

    Thanks to this additional code, url changes every time Ajax tries to get url (it gets random number from 1 to 10000, so it's pretty unlikely that someone will hit the same number in a row). Because of this, our phone thinks it loads different data every time and doesn't use cache. The trick is that this additional code doesn't affect anything and everybody is happy

    I know i didn't have to put "?" between ampersands, I could put it just after .php and then put one ampersand, but I just did it to remember what I did

    Again sorry for my english


  • Hi,

    I know the question was already posted here, but the topic was "Solved". Actually it was just closed. I will try to explain what I need to do.

    I have variable and text object which shows the lowest score to beat if you want to get to high scores table (global, from server). When the game starts everything is fine. Request is completed, variable gets the proper score, text object shows what it should.

    So it looks kinda like this:

    SYSTEM -- On start of layout:

    Ajax: Request URL: blablabal "getscores";

    AJAX -- On "getscores" completed:

    System: Set Variable to tokenat(blablabnla)

    TextObj: Set Text to tokenat(blablabnla)

    And then, when player dies, I compare his score with lowest score mentionend above. If it's bigger - then he can upload his score. Up to this moment everything works great

    The problem starts when the layout restarts on my mobile device (Windows Phone 8.1). Score remains the same as it was at the begining (both text and variable). And I see it's trying to request the url as at the begging TextObj shows string "Offline" in case the server is down or player has no internet connecttion. I need to restart app to make it refresh Ajax.LastData

    Any suggestions?

    Sorry for bad english


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