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  • I basically built a while ago a pretty bloat system that does it by seasons etc. each day has lowest and highest point, but it's not perfect, the temperature can sometimes jump at the high from -8 to 0, which is pretty bad. This system isn't built via Advanced Random. I didn't implement the entire year so that days blend into each other but yes, now that is more relevant so I really need it, they should also blend at midnight (i think midnight is the most appropriate?).

    The system is under event sheet time_temp_seasons, but it doesn't do much for the new one I wanna build.

    In the new one it should first calculate it for the entire year:

    And then each day at midnight it should calculate it for the day:

    Did try using lerp but it's too perfect and not like the curves in the pictures above. I probably over-complicated it

  • I'm struggling to figure out how to populate an array of 24 X fields (each representing 1 hour of the day) with temperatures. So to define the daily temperature let's say (-4) and get a gradient of hourly temperatures in the array. But, the temperature should be lower in the morning and evening and be highest around 3 pm. Whatever I try I get data to the e-10 and fail to understand how it works since all examples are for 2D, even formulas I found.

    I'm working with events, not scripting.

    In a nutshell:

    daily_average_temperature = -4
    arr_hourly_temperatures(24) = []
    morning is 03:00h -> 11:00h
    day is 11:00h -> 18:00h
    evening is 18:00h -> 03:00h
    • morning gets warmer from 03:00h
    • day gets warmer until 15:00 (highest point) and starts dropping off until 18:00h
    • evening gets colder and colder until 03:00h


  • Thank you all so much!




    Reading yesterday evening, first wanted to try newt's approached since we both had a similar and a bit easier thing in mind, so I made a texture and applied a source atop blend mode and made it so that multiple textures adjust over the ball via speed as it spins and it worked, went to sleep to finish "texture looping" today.

    Seeing dop's great dream discovery seems way less tedious, so thank you for that one, guess I'll roll with that for now! :D

    I haven't yet therefore tried yours R0J0 since trying the other one first would've taken less time, no idea how you came up with that approach, I'm curious how it'd work so might try it out when I have some free time, thank you as well!

  • When a ball gets hit by physics, as it moves and rotates so should it's texture like below:

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  • Well, that explains it. Thank you!

  • Let's say I have GuiBackground Sprite Object with 50 different animations in it.

    If I place the GuiBackground in a Layout and set animation to Animation1, do the 49 animations also keep getting loaded into the GPU's memory or just Animation1?

    Testing this, to me it seems that all the animations get loaded if only one instance with 1 animation is in layout, but I am not certain.

  • I can't say exactly if it fits since I haven't seen your game, but you could set the Spotlight to be the same color as the background.

    Alternatively you could try using Source In if it fits better.

  • You can use SourceAtop Blend mode on sprite that you want to be revealed, the sprite needs to be on top. The Layer needs to be set to Force Own Texture for it to work. In Construct example project files you have a file called Blend modes where it shows you what each does.

  • I was thinking it's the fill rate, but haven't found a way to check the GPU usage in any way on phones. Isn't there a way at all for this Ashley?

  • Missed that, thank you!

  • While trying to setup a debug text file on mobile, fps and cpuutilisation works fine on both desktop and mobile, but gpuutilisation only seems to work on desktop, writing NaN on mobile to Text object, why is that? Regardless of just setting every tick -> set text to gpuutilisation, or giving transforming it to string or integer, no change.


  • In a nutshell: My MOBILE game has low CPU usage, sometimes as low as 15% but the FPS is also around 10-15 FPS and the game laggs...

    Here are the stats on PC:

    Might it be the est. image memory or too many objects? 90% of the objects are static and have collisions disabled.

    It's just very weird and am wondering if anyone got ideas of what this could be before going from ground up step by step re-building it again.

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Member since 27 Sep, 2015

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