I 'am a making a small RPG game like Zelda style in space. Need a button for multiple doors on level one, but to trigger only curent door like :
1.Player is in room 1 with 2 doors how to make only one door button enabled, when push a button only one door in level are opening. How to do that?
On one layer-level I will make a 20-30 doors,traps etc
Doors have 1 switch and red and green state. red closed, green open, leter i will add onother state like passlocked door blue... etc
1. Making door 1, door 2... switch 1,2,3 is not solution.
2. Making only switch who activated when player is on like pad-area (invisible area on front of the door)
but how to make to switch only current door.
3. later I will use cards and keys for hacking dors etc. computers and robots