Cryptwalker's Recent Forum Activity

  • I just saw this, feels sad now : The Boy who Lived

  • lol...sorry just had to :)

  • For the elevator bug, since you're not applying any physics force to the platform object and moving it through code (or rather the events), if you set the "Imoveable" setting to No it will stop the ball from falling through.

    For the second bug, you should probably use the platform behavior for your second example instead of the physics behavior if you're building a platformer type game. Platform behavior has its own set of physics settings already.

  • It also occasionally occurs with the mouse press/release also, but not to the extent of the keyboard. Perhaps we can rephrase the title of the issue as an HTML5 issue instead of a game related issue to up Google's "priority" a bit more?

    I'm trying to check right now with some other HTML5 devs to see if they encounter the same issue with their games. Also, i've noticed in that Onslaught Arena game, they've somehow disable the whole entire web page except for the canvas area, thus allowing for any clicking(or accidental highlighting) outside the game area itself. Perhaps that can have something to do it with too?

  • Actually...i don't know if it really does affect all HTML 5 games or not. For example, i didn't seem to notice it much (if at all) while playing this game : Onslaught! Arena

    Starting to wonder if this issue may just be related Construct 2 only.

  • I haven't found a paint app that i ever liked more than Paint Shop Pro 9.0. However, for quick online pixeling i always use :

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hollywood has deep pockets. They will just come up with something else. I hear ACTA is being pushed to the forefront again.

  • I'm using 2011 13in i-5 Macbook Pro with the Intel 3000 graphic chip. Was getting 45 - 51 FPS the whole time. On google chrome of course.

  • Yah i got my buddy to join in on it today :). BTW, i'm confirming it for OSX Lion 10.7.2 running Google Chrome 16.0.912.75 *DOES NOT* have this issue.

  • There's too many to list. However, for 2011 one that had quite an impact on me was To the Moon. Its a very short RPG but the combination of great storytelling and superb music/soundtrack really made it stood out. Highly recommended.

    Another standout indie game for IOS was Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP.

    And if you really into those retro arcade games, check out Totally Tiny Arcade

  • This bug doesn't seem to occur when using Chrome on the Mac. Has anyone else tested this also ?

  • Ok so I'm not losing my mind then. Been trying to figure this out for the past 3 days until finally checking the forum lol. This issue is quite critical so I hope they fix this soon....just put in my stars.

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