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  • Interesting, did you use AppMobi to build it to Android?

  • Now available on the Chrome App Store!!

  • Thanks for the feed back Genki :)!

    Yes after we finished piecing everything together, it totally did reminded me of a NES game :).

    fter a few minutes of playing the sounds get a bit much - i really like the jump sound, but the sound when a bullet collides with an enemy and also when it dies is pretty intense.

    Yes I can tweak the sound a little :).

    he only other thing i would encourage is for you to lose the tutorial and build it into the actual game itself.

    I definitely agree. Actually, this was the inital idea but due to time constraints (and me not knowing enough of how to work with Construct 2 yet) we opted for a seperate tutorial section. Going forward, i am going to work it into the game itself :).

  • According to Pokki's website :

    okki uses Chromium internally, meaning layout and rendering is powered by WebKit and JavaScript is powered by V8 ? giving you the latest and greatest of HTML5.

    Surprisingly, my game did run at 60fps on their development environment. However, if other tests apps are still loaded then the rendering time drops drastically.

  • Just an update, worked with Ozzed to update the music so that it now loops properly and doesn't pop or crackle anymore :).

  • Ok thanks, got it to work now :)! Hmm...i just wished i could of gotten this done by Monday and was able to submit my entry..

  • Ok thanks rex i understand, now it works. However, can't get the minimized button to work anymore now like i did in my example. Were you able to get it work using your lazy wrapper?

  • Thanks rex, ok heres the complete C2 pokki test project that i'm testing with. It contains the all the neccessary files and environment to load into pokki right away so all you have to do is just add it to it. The .capx is also in the package too.

    I can see that the on_showing condition is definitely firing from your plugin, but it still doesn't seem to "unpause" the game. If i were to use the Browser plugin and test this for on page hidden, and showing it does work (unpause the game, and replays music).

    Download pokki project and capx : here

    BTW, do you know how to get pokki to display the loading screen while the game is loading???

  • Yeah that original file size issue appears to be resolved, but now have to deal with all those other tiny stuff like unallowed plugins, and correct versioning.

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  • Thanks rex, actually thats exactly what i did and the resume at popup_shown just doesn't seem to fire at all. Strangely enough, i did the same function while using the browser plugin and it works perfectly.

  • Well by using the plugin that rex provided here, i was able to "pause" the game and stop the sound/music whenever the popup was minimized. I just couldn't get it to start back up when the popup was reloaded :). I'm also still having issues with displaying the loading screen in pokki. I had a workaround where i display some custom HMTL text and images during the loading, but it increase the height of the popup(during the loading, but disappeared when the C2 game was fully loaded) which the pokki guys didn't approve of either.

    Oh well, theres always next time :).

  • Oh, the slow down is actually part of the game itself and happens each time you get a Cube! You're also invulnerable for the duration of the slow down too so fire away at everything :)!

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