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  • So I thought I'd look into this further and found this:

    Since it runs fine on the idevice and the PC perhaps there's a connection

    My next idea is trying it on other android devices and making sure it isn't something specific to your S4.

    Otherwise I honestly feel like I'm grasping at straws. If you're previewing over the network you can try an full export and see if the issue persists. I'd also try moving the preload event to the top of the event sheet, though I'm not sure that would achieve anything. If all else fails, make a bug report and submit the capx.

  • That's odd, can you post a link to the capx? I think your rep is too low to post it with a period in there but if you removed the "." in the ".com" maybe I can see what's going on there. That or maybe a screenshot of your event sheet? Either way, please leave your preload audio event in so I can see where you have it.

  • I'm unable to duplicate this issue. Can you describe how you have your events set up with the 8directions? Also, are you doing anything with them aside from setting their angle toward the mouse coordinates?

  • My apologies but you're using the beta version of C2 and I'm on the last stable version. I can't open your project. You can PM me with some links to screenshots and I can try to help that way.

  • Carbincopy I'm not so sure, I think the sound would play every tick that way (60 times a second).

  • Hey there! You can make one file with it playing twice, as you suggested....ooooor you could just set it to play not looping, wait 1 or 2 seconds and play the sound one more time.

    Currently, the alarm is set to stop playing at the start of "level 1" and not on the main menu event sheet. You'll want it there since you're loading that layout when the level layout ends. Just to make sure there wasn't an issue with your file, I tried this and it works jut fine for stopping the alarm.

    As for an easy way to playing the sound while overlapping the nebulas:

    if player is overlapping nebula + once while true (This is in the system object) - play sound looping

    else - stop playing sound

    If you do that, you'll want to adjust your collision boxes because some look a tad off.

    I'd also recommend that you condense your 3 nebulas into one object with 3 frames for it's animation (and set that animation speed to 0, the default should be 5). You can change how the object reacts to the payer depending on which frame is active in the nebulas animation (quick example: if nebula is playing animation "default" and it is at frame 2, subtract 5 health from player).

  • I'm not sure what kind of data you're storing but Localstorage is asynchronous so it's possible that the order of events may be impacting the way things are loading (making them load sometimes and not at others).

    Also, have you changed preview browsers? I believe that local storage stores in each browser separately so that may be why ata appears to be missing.

  • Did you try preloading the sound at the start of the layout?

  • You've got the events to play the sound looping first, then waiting 2 seconds, playing it without looping, then stopping. My guess is that your game is going to the next layout when the looping version is playing. Try to set those sounds to play without looping - I think that will fix the issue.

    In addition, on the start of your opening layout, you can set the sound to stop. That way, when that layout is opened up again, the sound no longer plays.

  • Hey there, this tut does a good job of explaining how the local storage object works:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1461/h ... age-plugin

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  • You could try creating all of your objects, families, and global variables (All with the same names and, for your purposes, you'd probably want the same sprites) in a new project and then copy and paste your events from your original projects.

  • Hey there,

    Here's an example for you:

    In this example, you'll notice that I have a "once (while true)" qualifier in there. That's because this sprite only has one frame and is used as a backdrop. The method for your purposes is, otherwise, the same. If your animation is at "walking", compare frame to "10" and then set your sound to play.

    If you haven't done it yet, you'll also need to add the audio object to your project and import your sound.

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