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  • Hopefully this helps:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0meqzkt21ebbf ... .capx?dl=0

    What's going on in the original capx is that the y scroll occurs on the jump command, so the payer's y value is actually lower - or at least different - than the last y scroll value, which leads to a sizable jump in where the "camera" is looking. In my example, I use a value that only updates when the player's y value is less than itself for the scroll. I also could have probably done something like:

    If player.y is less than scroll.y -> set scroll y to player.y

    ...but this only just occurred to me haha.

  • some example based on ultrafop 1st suggestion.

    2nd suggestion will just work at value of 0 other than, will work at weird points like 0, 7, 15 etc.

    That's weird, the second idea works fine for me over here. Here's a link to check it out:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/5h1c77s9u2qp9 ... .capx?dl=0

  • My pleasure! Best of luck with the project!

  • For sure. I think we're saying the same thing. I'm suggesting you add another counter variable, in addition to the score variable, which adds one to the player every time it hits 10, (then resets to 0). You can add 1 to the variable in the same event you use to add one to your score overall. This way you have a total score and can get your mechanic in.

    Another option could be if score/10 = round(score/10) -> once while true -> add 1 to player health

  • Hey, I'd use a separate variable to do this

    If variable = 10

    once while true -> Add 1 to player health

    set variable to 0

  • Oh, super cool . Thanks for sharing!

  • Thank you for the information and the quick reply!

  • Unfortunately C2 doesn't have anything to block emotjis (that I know of). You can make a text field numbers only by selecting that parameter in the side bar for teh object. If you want to block emoji's you may need to do one of 2 things:

    1) Use the text box code to write in a bit of code that blocks emojis. Most of this is not in js but I think there's a solution here that is: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/258 ... i-keyboard

    2) You can create your own custom keyboard that doesn't allow for emoji use at all. I believe this would require creating your own text box through events.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1153/m ... le-devices


  • matpow2

    This seems like a great product. I'm interested to see what the performance looks on the Xbox One. After looking at your site, I'm a bit confused about why pricing isn't more transparent. Is there any potential to have some standard price points for the licensing?

    Also, you say that some features would not be compatible with Chowden. Which features (or kinds of features?) specifically? Without that information it's hard to make a decision on whether I should look into licensing this when it's completed for C2. I did read through the features available and can't think of what might be missing in my project but I'm also aware that I could be possibly conflating some statements with others (for example, are set gravity and set gravity angle the same? I also didn't see any mention of behaviors), and I wasn't sure whether that sheet was for Fusion, C2 or both, platforms.

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  • So I'm not sure how many objects you have whether they are all one type or multiple types) but, assuming you have everything in a family, do something like:

    Every X seconds -> For each Family Object: add Family Object.variable to Global variable

    In another action try: System evaluate Global variable = Family Object.pickedcount --> Do XYZ (whatever your desired goal is here)

    Reset the global variable.

    Hope that helps!

    Ha dop2000 beat me to it!

  • Add a variable to your zombie called "health" (or really anything that helps you know what it's for). Set it to a value (we'll use 100 in this example).

    On arrow collides with zombie: call function "Arrow_hit_zombie" (Set parameter 0 to the zombie's UID, and parameter 1 to the arrow's UID)

    On function "Arrow_hit_zombie"

    --->zombie (choose by UID (function.param(0)) -> set health to clamp(self.health-50,0,100)

    ----> Arrow (choose by UID (function.param(1)) -> Destroy

    Zombie health = 0 --> destroy/set death animation

  • hmm, well honestly your capx is a little too complex for me to get through it and fix whatever is going on with my current time constraints. My general feeling is that you're using overlaps with whole families without passing a UID through functions to select which particular items you're setting to draggable and active so the whole family is being impacted.

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Member since 26 Jul, 2015

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