ScottP's Recent Forum Activity

  • My 2nd grade daughter is learning how to do math a different way than I did. For this new way to work she has to inherently know how to add any 2 numbers to make 10.

    My first game is a simple way to practice making 10. It doesn't keep any score and it only kinda cares if you get the answer right. I'm thinking of making it full screen so it's easier to play on a mobile device and I'll probably make it care more if you get the answer right, but this is what I've started with.



  • It appears I need to jump back into javascript and see if I can make a Text Input plugin. If anyone wants to help....or if anyone beats me to it, lemme know.

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  • I may just be talking out my ass here, but I think it would make sense to edit your exported html file to include a form (or have your game open a pop-up form when text is needed). Then you could have the Javascript for the game get the text from a good ole text input. You'd have to actually edit the code though after exporting your game. I haven't tried it yet and it's been too long since I've played with Javascript so it's still just a theory at this point.

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Member since 6 Sep, 2011

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