However I gotta say you need to pull up your sleeves and do some work. many of your requests require code writing programmers to do all the time, often with no benefit. All they have are lines of code and then they have to compile and execute. There are no visual tools and inspectors. In fact C2 has probably the most robust API of any game language ever. And yet there is complaint that it doesn't do AI, Isometric so on so forth. Fimbul most API's don't do what C2 does at all. they are first and foremost renderers and 3d/2d mathematical apis.
Whiteclaws and
I'm not saying Ashley should create a build-your-own-ai interface. I'm saying the plugin SDK should be good enough for me to create that myself.
Check out Three.js, jaws.js, Pixl.js, Craft.js, Unity API, not a single one of these game engines can hold a match to C2 inferno in comparison of API. If you want to look at extensions done by other people then that's another matter, but that same principle applies here. Some one has done AI works, Isometric tiles and more. These other groups have produced massive games from rudimentary api's that have zero to no game logic and still pull of games like World of Warcraft.
These other frameworks are flexible enough to allow you to use your own formats, and allow you to build your own tools - what is called a "pipeline". Do you think WOW programmers did everything in code? No! They obviously built their own map editors, dialogue editors, and everything else they needed to make a game.
My point is that C2 is very impenetrable if you want to build your own tools to help you make your game - right now the only option is to crack open the XML files it generates and hope you didn't have a syntax error somewhere. I want ashley to make an IDE SDK so that I can make my own integrated editors to use inside C2.
Most of C2's limitations aren't limitations to the majority of gaming industry. Because once they get to work they aren't waiting on Ashley to do the grunt work for them.
Yes! Yes a thousand times this!
The problem with C2 is that, often, when you run into a problem, you have to wait for Ashley to fix it. There are no official ways to fix things yourself. It's too focused on beginners, and advanced users (those who know javascript, even if just a little) are left wanting.
Now you may ask, "hey, fimbul, why don't you use pixi.js instead?". I could do that - I know programming enough that I'm confident I could code an engine in pixi. However, I like the eventing system, I like the webgl effects, I like being able to easily change properties of my project, and have minification and png-compression. I like having Ashley focusing on performance while I cruise by.
Look at how powerful unity's extensions are: you could implement construct 2 as a unity plugin if you wanted! Now look at how pitiful c2's plugin SDK is.
Here are my main requests
Functions and Array as primitives like the Number/String
Modularity through Groups
Asset store
C2 IDE inherently group development tool.
We are in agreement. Also agree with your proposal for how function syntax should work. I also want to add that, since arrays are primitives, you'd be able to pass arrays as parameters to functions - that would rock!